Thursday, June 25, 2009

Paul the Letter Speaker
Mark Goodacre has a brief pod on the subject of 'Paul the letter speaker' - about the use of dictation and secretaries in the composition of the Pauline correspondence (
Rom 16.22, Gal 6.11). NT pod 2


jacob said...

I thought you might be interested in learning about OUR Jewish traditions, one which has embraced the real Christ of the gospel, the Law and the prophets.

If this doesn't interest you, I apologize in advance.

If you are interested let me tell you that we are the Frankist Association of America. One of our members has a new book out:

I am not that I am trying to sell you something. If you can't afford the book you can see the website of one of our teachers -

I just wanted to let you and the scholarly world that there have always been more than one type of Judaism in the world at any one time. Some forms of the faith had to learn to hide their beliefs in order to survive and perpetuate themselves.

Shalom, God Bless
Everything is perfect with God

Beth El Jacob Frank

Peter M. Head said...

Thanks Frank.